In this presentation, CPM Group’s Jeffrey Christian takes a look back at CPM Group’s projections for Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Palladium at the beginning of 2023, and compares them to what actually happened. Jeff then discusses CPM Group’s price projections for 2024, and discusses some of the economic and political indicators CPM Group will be looking at as the year progresses.

CPM Group
CPM Group is a commodities research, consulting, financialadvisory and commodities management firm providing independent research,analysis and advisory services related to commodities markets, corporate andproject finance, and the financial management of exposure to commodity orientedinvestments.
We started our business in 1986 predicated on the idea that commoditiesresearch and advice is best delivered by independent experts who do not work forbanks, brokers, mining companies, or any other entity that has interests thatcould conflict with the best interests of the clients receiving the research,analysis, and advice.
All of our work is driven by fundamental commodities research and economicanalysis. As we undertake our research into individual commodities markets wegather a tremendous amount of information and develop an enormous body ofextremely high quality, unbiased analysis of the markets and the companies thatare involved with individual commodities. The outputs of our research andanalysis take the form of research reports, specialized and targeted consultingrelated to these markets, financial advisory services ranging from corporate andproject finance structuring to equity introductions, and managing specificcommodities and investment positions for clients.
CPM Group continues to demonstrate the economic value and financial worth ofsuperior research, information, and analysis. Our research is based onmicro-economic analysis of the individual components of each commodity market,wedded with a top-down macro-economic analysis of the global trends affectingthese markets. We apply the results of that analysis to our research,consulting, and advisory services.